
Self Service Accommodation Establishments Regulation (Airbnb)

Information Regarding Self-Service Accommodation Establishments (”SSA”)- Register your accommodation until 31/12/2022.

The article below contains important information for individuals who are renting their properties on short-term rental platforms such as Airbnb etc.

Relevant Legislation: ‘’Amending Law 2020 (N. 9(I)/2020)’’ of the Law regulating the Establishment and Operation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Establishments.

Relevancy: Provisions were added for the creation, by the Deputy Ministry of Tourism, of a register for the registration of self-service accommodation establishments. This new legislation regulates the licencing,advertising and operation of SSA. It is noted that as of 01/01/2022 (extended to 31/12/2022) it will be ilegall to advertise/promote or lease such establishments if they are not registered in the register of SSA.

Categories of Self-Service Accommodation:

According to law, any SSA, must have the features and specifications of an individual residence and/or an individual furnished villa and/or an individual apartment.

The following apply:

· Furnished Villa: Has direct and independent external access, privacy and autonomy, with regard to the land plot and the building

      ·  Furnished Residences: Located in a complex of detached houses they have autonomy, private, shared or public external access and privacy

   · Apartment: It has to be used as a complete, separate and independent unit, as defined in the provisions of the Immovable Property (Tenure, Registration & Valuation) Law


      · The property should be leased as a whole and not as a part thereof

      ·  The maximum capacity per establishment is 5 bedroom (10 people)

     · Establishments with a hotel or tourist accommodation establishment building permit do not have the right to apply for registration in the register of SSA

     Obligations of Operators

     ”Operator”: The natural  or legal person (e.g company), in whose name the registration permit of the SSA establishment is issued

The operator of an SSA may rent and/or advertise his establishment provided that it has been registered in the Register of Self- Service Accommodation Establishment and has been granted a special operating label and a registration number by the Ministry of Tourism, which should appear on advertising materials and all relevant transactions.

It is noted that any SSA operating prior to the implementation of the Law must comply with the provisions of the Law within two years.

Registration Process:

For registration of the SSA, the operator should submit the following to the Deputy Ministry of Tourism: 

Application/ Solemn Declaration confirming that the necessary provisions of the law are respected such as:

      ·  Registration with the Tax Department (Tax ID number of the Operator or VAT number, where provided for in the relevant legislation) 

      ·  the relevant details of the property and the insurance coverage of the establishment (at least i)insurance against any risk and especially fire and ii)public liability insurance)

     Together with the application/solemn declaration, the following documents shall also be submitted:

      ·  Building Permit or Town Planning Permit & A utility bill issued by the Electronic Authority of Cyprus

      · A photocopy the ID or passport (if physical person) or a photocopy of incorporation of the legal person (e.g company) 

     After the application/solemn declaration is examined by the deputy ministry and the legal registration fees are paid, the deputy ministry of Tourism grants a special operating label and a registration number. The registration permit must be renewed every three years within three months before the expiration of each registration term

Source: Deputy Ministry of Tourism Website

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